Student Assessment

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Student Assessment

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Student Details

Name of the Student/Trainee
Date of Birth


1.Anticipates needs use toilets independently
Select Any one
2.Maintains Cleanliness unaided(brushing, bating, combing)
Select Any one
3.Eats properly and observes manners in a family situation without supervision
Select Any one
4.Manage Dressing unaided and maintains neat appearance
Select Any one


1.Can Use Gestural for verbal communication
Select Any one
2.Communicates using words
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3.gesturallyor verbally makes himself understood to others
Select Any one
4.Communicates properly in sentences
Select Any one
4.Engages in meaningful conversation
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1.Sits properly in a class room situation
Select Any one
2.Greets peers and elders appropriately
Select Any one
2.Cooperates in group situation
Select Any one
4.Offers help when needed without promting
Select Any one
5.Behaves Acceptably and makes visitors feel welcome
Select Any one
6.Recognizes and protect own property
Select Any one
6.Asks permission to use the property of others
Select Any one
7.Maintains discipline in a given situation
Select Any one
9.Leads peer group in simple activities
Select Any one